
missin you so much!!!! you'll never be forgotten by me!!! i love you always and forever!!!! :(

Sunday, 30 August 2009

broken glass and alomost car wreck!!

friday morning my mom was driving home from work! she works grave yards. she was on the high way and was by this big semi and she was really close to the tire. and i guess the semi fliped some huge rock at my mom and it the side window in the back on the left side. the glass shaddered every wear!! my mom was freakin out cuz she had no idea what the loud noise was. she was shackin and alomost got into a car crash because she was headed to the other side of the rode cuz the noise scared her half to death! but luckly there was no car on the other side of the rode or she probably would have got into a car crash. she corrected her self and got back into her right lane and looked back and saw it was the glass that made the huge loud noise! you cant really tell but there is no window here!! and the pic above is the glass every wear!!! its all inside the car i mean its every where!!! on the floor its so bad! where so lucky that my brothers wheren't in the car when this happin cuz they would have been covered in glass and that would have just been so sad!! but im glad my mom didnt get in a wreck! but she was just so scared she couldnt even talk. she was shacken so bad and crying and was breathing really heavy!! she said she hasnt been so scared in her life!!!

1 comment:

Donna said...

Wow!! That's scary! Glad no one was hurt!