
missin you so much!!!! you'll never be forgotten by me!!! i love you always and forever!!!! :(

Monday, 29 June 2009

crazy life!!!

well last week i had girls camp!!!! it was so much fun! i went up payson canyon!!we made sweat shirts up there it was so much fun this is a pic of my sweat shirt i made with paint. it was pretty awsome!!!

then this next pic is kadee. my friend. we love to climb the rafters its so much fun!! we always get in them. but this year was kinda weird cuz we couldnt get in them at night en less you where brave cuz we had bats. it was scary. i was sleeping and bats would fly close to my face. it was very very weird and scary lol i kept screaming and hiding in my sleeping bag so the first night i didnt get very much sleep. and we had mice in are cabin to. ew... i hate mice!!!

then these are my camp leaders by the camp fire you cant really tell. but ya. ha ha i love sitting by the fires we roasted marsh mellows and stuff. and we went snipe hunting at night and we caught like 2 of them but they kept running away. and i love the faith walk it was so sad but pretty!! i just love girls camp its way fun!!! but i had alot of fun cant wait for next year. we do pranks on other wards thats always fun!!! and we stayed up all night to. one of are leaders got mad cuz we where so loud ha ha it was funny! but i had a great time! we made these journals to. and also did a whole lot of other things to.
When i got home from girls camp i had to hurry and un pack and get clothes washed and stuff and leave again cuz i was heading to colorado the next day like early in the morning like after my dance. cuz i had dance practice at 5:30 in the morning tell 9 so my mom and dad had to come get me early and then we left to colorado then we got there and visted my whole family and got family pic's then that saturday night we did fire works and o my gosh we went to find some and when we where at the fire work store and was looking well you know pops that you through on the ground?? well we found some but wow there not like the regular pops holey cow!!! the guy told us that they where louder so we told him to try one so he did and i didnt expect it to be so loud but it was it scared the crap out of me!!! they are so so loud not even kidding!! so we got like 4 boxs of them. haha there pretty awsome!!! but then we went home and did fire works then went back to are hotel and then the next day we ate and packed up and left. then we got home. and then this whole week i have staduim of fire practics like all day long!! well just thursday and friday and saturday. today we just have a 4 hour practice and tomorrow to. and early the morning i went to try out for heart n soul cuz i think thats where im going to take dance now. im kinda excited but some of the girls there are bratty big time!! so i hope it will go okay. i have to learn the dance today and tomrrow then i try out wensday for heart n soul. im excited just cuz i get to dance again!!!! ha ha but these 2 weeks had and are going to be so crazy for me! its like go go go pack pack pack ha ha im not even kidding i havent been home for like ever! cuz i just keep going and going and going. ha ha crazy life!!! ill tell you that. ha ha but iv had fun!!!

crazy life

Tuesday, 16 June 2009

dentist! today!

O MY GOSH!!! so today i went to the dentist cuz i
had to get cavities filled and i was getting like fake teeth on composite teeth on. cuz by my two front teeth and on both sides of my front teeth i had small small perment teeth and they look like baby teeth still and it was so ugly and so i never liked to smile well i got composite on them to build up the space and wow!! did it make my smile so much prettyer!! now i love to smile!! but let me tell you it hurt so freakin bad! they like shuved it up my gums i was like ready to jump off the chair it was killing ha ha but it was so worth it!!! i wish i had a pic of me with my teeth before so i could show you what they look like before! but i dont think i have one witch is sad. lol but oh well. but i love my new teeth im so happy i got them!! cuz i always wanted braces but now that you look at them i dont really need them any more cuz it was just the space on my little teeth that made it seem like i needed braces cuz sence now they built on them i dont really need braces cuz there like almost perfect now!! but i was so happy when i saw them!! cuz i love my smile now alot better!!!!! but ya these are some pic's of me with my new teeth!! its pretty freakin awsome!!

Monday, 15 June 2009


Today i actally got out and swam today!! it was so much fun!! today i went to the spanish fork pool with my freinds kadee, and kayla. we had a blast! when we where there i saw a few old freinds there. it was pretty cool. well we went over to the baby pool to get in the bigger pool and all a sudden i saw someone that looked like calvin just younger and so i kept looking at him and i turned to kadee and kayla and said hey look isnt that cole calvins little brother and kadee was like no i dont think so and i was like are u sure? cuz it looks like him and she was like idk and so i yelled his name and he looked at us and kadee was like yup that is cole and i said see told you and she was like well i couldnt tell and i was like how can you not tell he looks just like calvin ha ha and she goes ya your right. ha ha and so we where waundering if his mom was there so kayla and i went up there to talk to him and we asked if his mom was there and he goes no im here with my cousins and i was like oh fun! and he goes ya and then kayla asked if his other brother clayton was here and he said no he was like at scout camp thing and then we just told him to say that we say hi to his family and then he just said ok and then walked off and went down the slide. ha ha he is the cutest kid ever!! calvin always talked about him!! he is one cute kid and so is clayton!! calvins parents raised a beatiful family!! cuz there all cute kids!!!! but then we just went down the slide to and the diving bored. ha ha but i had a fun day today!! i want to go swimming again!

Sunday, 14 June 2009

getting into pics and being bored

this is me and my best frined kimmy
ha ha we love to take pics but i edited this
one to!!!! ha ha

i edited this pic of me.. ha ha i was really bored today. well i was at the libary and took this pic of me and in that pic i was thinking of my friend calvin cuz i was at the park and me and calvin and my other friend went to the park with him and it just brought back the fun memories we had!! and it almost seemed like he was right there next to me.... and i could tell he probably was cuz all a sudden i just got really happy like he came to make me happy! cuz i could just pic him out there playin with my little brothers cuz thats what he did last time.. ha ha it was so cute!! but i really miss him alot!! but it was good to go back to the libary cuz after his accident i havent really gone back to the park or libary cuz it would make me sad.. but when i went there it was like he was right there with me and he was just hangin out with us.. just like the old times.. it was an amazing feeling. so i was glad i went there that day!! cuz it gave me a great feeling and being happy instead of sad!

Tuesday, 9 June 2009

staduim of fire!

this year im dancing in the staduim of fire! its so so much fun! this will be like my 3rd year doing it! im so excited to be in it! every one should get tickets and come watch it! cuz its going to be really cool! i heard! i will post more about it and put pictures up and stuff for you all to see it! it will be amazing! and really excited to be in it! it takes alot of practice though cuz july 2 and 3 and 4 im going to be practicing like all day! well just the 3rd 6:30 in the morning tell 11 at night!! its going to be so tiring and hard but i think its worth it! and then like the 2nd just tell like 7pm tell 11 and then the 4th at 6:30 in the morning tell 12pm. but i just hope it wont be like way way hot like the last 2 years we practiced cuz the last 2 years of practice it was like 104 outside it was way hott!!!

Thursday, 4 June 2009

the big recital!

on monday, June 1, 2009 was my dance recital... and last time dancin with my family.. cuz i posted it about how there going to shut down my dance company... pretty soon... well so that monday was the big thing!! so.. it was at the ala school and i had to be there at 2 to practice and so we practiced and we got interviewed by this lady cuz she was maken videos for malinda.. (thats my dance teacher who owns the whole company thing and has been running it for like forever im going to guess probably like 27 years or so... and she also had like 2 other dance teachers help her cuz she got another job doin airplanes so they also taught us to and there names are jill and shaylee!) and anyways we all got interviewed and some of the moms to and the moms where crying and i was like great this is going to be really really sad recital!! well when malinda left for a little bit we hurried and ran are lyrical that we just barely made up for her and i had a 15 sec solo in it... it was pretty scary ha ha but then after we got done with all are dances we got to go home for a little bit. i had 6 dances i was doin.. it was pretty amazing and so so much fun!!!! but any ways i had my 3 friends come home with me kimmy, chey, kadee and then there was me and we where laughing and having fun and we all got ready together and we had to be there at 6 and the show started at 7. so we got there at 6 and we stretched and then malinda came in and she talk to us and she started crying really hard... i felt so bad for her.. and then we had a prayer. after that my charceter dance was the very first one so we got ready and did that dance and i was trying so hard not to cry... through all my dancins cuz i was going to miss dancin with them... cuz dance just wont ever be the same with out them!!! and jill and shaylee started to cry!! and it made me cry!! and it was horrible! but in other ways i think we where crying cuz we where also so happy at the same time! but then i got to the very last dance and that was are lyrical we made up for melinda and i did my solo and i did pretty good on it i thought i would mess up on it but i didnt... ha ha but then when we got done with that we went to give malinda and shaylee a big hugg!!!! and we where just like all crying. then we all sat down on the stage and where watching a slide show they put together and i was in it like 5 or 6 times and the pictures where when i was younger ha ha cuz i been dancin there for 11 years but it was really speacial to me!!! and i just cant belive its over.... i will miss shaylee and jill and melinda so so much!!! there my favorite dance teachers in the whole wide world!!!! i really really do miss them!!! and im going to miss all my friends and the little ones that where my friends!!! ah!! this is all way way sad!!!! at least the memories will stick with me forever!!! i just cant belive this is really over... no more dancin with them... im so heartbroken... im really sad!! i miss you all!!! and love you guys very much!!!!!! im so thankful for my dance teachers cuz they help me improve alot!! like im not even kidding like from when i started like 11 years ago wow i do so much better!! and i thank them so much for helping me get better!!! if it wasnt for them then i dont know what i would have done!!!!!! thank you!!!!!